Announcing Taste of Hackership - A chance to experience Hackership first hand

Get a taste of Hackership

After the success of Hackership batch-0, I’m sure you’re all eager to find out when the first official batch of Hackership will be announced. The answer is soon, really soon.

Fortunately, there’s plenty to do until then. In fact, anyone wishing to become either a learner or a coach during Hackership batch-1 can start preparing right now! How, you ask? By coming to one (or all) of our Taste of Hackership sessions.

As the name suggests, Taste of Hackership is meant to give you an idea of what participating in Hackership would be like. In fact, the Taste of Hackership sessions will be just like Hackership. But instead of lasting three months, the sessions will only take a couple of hours. So, if it is your goal to become a learner, bring your laptop and start hacking. Do you think you would make a great coach? Awesome, start coaching!

Now for the million-dollar question: what would you be working on? The annoyingly vague answer: it depends.

Unlike batch-0, the first batch of Hackership will have an emphasis on web-based multimedia. That doesn’t mean everyone should be doing something with web-based multimedia. It does mean that during Hackership we’ll have coaches specifically qualified to handle that subject, as well as workshops covering multimedia related topics.

If that sounds interesting, you could use the Taste sessions to start exploring multimedia and get your feet wet. If not, that’s fine too. In that case just bring whatever else it is you want to learn and start hacking. We will be around to help you when needed and do our very best to answer all questions you may have.

For the coaches: your role will be to help our learners, whenever you can. The Taste sessions will be a great opportunity for you to find out if that’s something you enjoy doing.

Pretty darn exciting, right? Well, you’ll be even more excited to know that we’ll kick off real soon, namely in the second week of May. Here’s the schedule:

  1. Monday, May 12, 7:30 pm @ co-op

  2. Thursday, May 22, 7:30 pm @ co-op

  3. Thursday, May 29, 7:30 pm @ co-op

  4. Saturday, June 7, 2 - 6pm @ co-op

  5. Tuesday, June 10, 12 - 6 pm @ SUPERMARKT

Note: although we highly recommend you participate in at least one of these sessions, they are not a requirement for getting into Hackership.

Thanks to Renee Suen for making this delicious image available under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0.

About the Authors

Anouk Ruhaak

Hackership Organiser. Economist turned freelance iOS developer. Former Hackership learner. Currently exploring web development with React and Twisted. Love discovering new fields and topics, which include functional programming, cryptography and security. anouk at Hackership dot org

Amélie Anglade

is Software Engineer at frestyl and Tech Ambassador of the Berlin Geekettes. For the OpenTechSchool she does public appearances, organises workshops (best known for python) and works at the long- and short-term strategies, such as the launch of Hackership. amelie at Hackership dot org
